This Girl’s Remarkable Story Is Sure To Inspire You

This Michelle Tanner look-alike (she even knows the signature “you got it, dude!”) is one of the brave faces of GLUT1 DS. describes Gracie as a bubbly, strong willed three year old who shows everyone that you can live well with GLUT1 DS, thanks to the ketogenic diet, which we discussed is insane, and a bright, positive attitude. A year after starting the diet, she has had no seizures!

But this angelic girl’s life has been far from heavenly. Gracie’s GLUT1 DS symptoms progressed leading to seizures and ataxia, which delayed her development of fine motor skills, speech, and the ability to walk.

Because GLUT1 DS symptoms include excessive seizures, some patients are misdiagnosed with epilepsy, while GLUT1 DS is overlooked.

Thankfully, the ketogenic diet has been a real gift! Gracie plays like any other child and her favorite toys are Polly Pocket dolls! Her ability to play with toys so small is a joy that her parents don’t take for granted. And as Gracie continues growing and interacting with others, her speech and communication skills are also growing.

So whenever you’re having a rough day, think of Gracie and be inspired.

You got it dude!

To read Gracie’s full story, head on over to

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