Editor’s Choice Weekend Roundup: 8-22-15

Check out and pass along the Editor’s Choice articles of the week!


teacher with kids outside

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This Mom Will Make You Want to Hug Every Teacher

A teacher who already has to deal with hundreds of other children on a daily basis, has to also take care of her lovely daughter living with GLUT1 DS. Her resilience will make you appreciate teachers everywhere.

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Shocked airline passenger

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This is What Happens When Airline Passengers Smell A Poopy Diaper

This story of Heather and her son Jack, who lives with dystonia, will change your perspective of that unruly child kicking your seat on your next plane trip.

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Medical marijuana for ankylosing spondylitis

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She Took Weed for Chronic Pain, Now She’s a Believer

When this Californian lady got her ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis, marijuana was the last thing she thought would bring her relief. Little did she know, it would be far more important that she’d ever imagine.

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Snake in a tree

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This Deceptive Disease is Tricking Doctors and Killing Patients

Imagine walking into your doctors office with a swollen face, hands, and eyes and all they can tell you is “we have no idea what’s wrong?!” Welcome to the world of people who live with hereditary angioedema (HAE).

See how this family plagued by the disease stuck together and got the help they needed.


Pass the roundup along by choosing a social network below. Have a great weekend!