In a recent study published by Prime Therapeutics, the company reported that the annual cost of treatment to an HAE patient is over $300,000. We wanted to illustrate the ridiculous and even helpful things a person can buy for that same price.
1. Stick this 2015 Lamborghini in your garage
2. Buy this waterfront condo in Miami, FL
3.Take control of a private jet (classes not included)
4. Dig into about 9 1/2 of these insanely expensive $35,000 puddings
5. Own a Subway restaurant franchise
6. Spend 5 nights with up to 6 guests in this 12 room 12 bathroom penthouse in Geneva
7. Rub elbows with celebrities in space with a $250,000 ticket on the Virgin Galactic space voyage
8. Play 150,000 $2 powerball tickets. One step closer to that 1 in 175,000,000
9. Raise 1 child (doesn’t include costs for stress management or grocery bills)
10. Provide 4 Habitat for Humanity homes to veterans
Costs for HAE medication is nothing to overlook. Although you may not be buying a Lamborghini or a waterfront condo if treatment costs were not as high, there are other needs in life that funds could be used toward.
Learn more about how Prime Therapeutics LLC is trying to educate people living with HAE to reduce treatment waste and use condition management strategies.