10 Things People with Sjögren’s Should or Should Not Be Eating

For those who have Sjögren’s syndrome, you don’t need the lowdown. But for those unfamiliar, it’s commonly associated with two main symptoms—dry eyes and a dry mouth. Why? Because certain glands don’t work properly, causing dryness in places throughout the body that need moisture.

With any condition, a doctor is likely to recommend a specific diet—Sjögren’s is no different. According to the Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation, an Anti-Inflammatory Diet is most successful in helping with Sjögren’s symptoms.

Here are 10 tips for a healthy Sjögren’s diet based on what we found on this helpful resource:

  1. Avoid packaged foods with a long list of ingredients that nobody can pronounce. Seriously. No one knows how to pronounce them.
  2. Go au naturel—fresh, raw, or steamed. Ditch the high-processed, greasy, fried gunk.
  3. Eat fat—the “good” kind, obviously. That includes things like avocados, extra virgin olive oil, raw nuts, or fish, such as salmon.
  4. Colorful foods. Lots and lots of colorful foods. AKA—fruits and veggies.
  5. Seasonings such as garlic and ginger add an anti-inflammatory component to your anti-inflammatory diet. Eat ‘em.
  6. Avoid red meat when you can. It’s hard, we know. But, if you must, eat organic grass-fed meat to reduce ingesting more pro-inflammatory acids.
  7. Artificial sweeteners and preservatives add zero nutritional value. It’s just best to avoid them when possible.
  8. Eliminate trans or hydrogenated fats. They ultimately cause inflammation.
  9. I know what we’re about to say may sound evil, but your health is at stake! Carbs such as pastas, breads, cakes, fruit juice, or candy rapidly raise blood sugar. Ya know what that means? Subsequent inflammation.
  10. Remember, there are ways to eat healthy and still get full-blown taste. Don’t let restrictions disappoint you, but instead, take what you can eat and transform it into something delicious, something you’ll love!

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