Living Well with Dystonia

This is a video presentation I created called Living Well with Dystonia. It shares some of the many things I have learned in my almost 20 years of living with…

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Go to a Zoo for Dystonia Awareness Month!

September is Dystonia Awareness Month! Dystonia is a chronic movement disorder, existing in the same family as the more well-known Parkinson’s disease. Symptoms of dystonia are defined by involuntary muscle contractions which…

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Cervical Dystonia

Cervical Dystonia What is cervical dystonia? Cervical dystonia, also known as spasmodic torticollis, is a form of dystonia. Dystonia is a rare chronic movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions.…

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Dystonia Took Her Voice, But Not Her Spirit

“It’s all in your head.” I dare say these are words that many people living with a rare disease, including dystonia, have heard. It’s absolutely unfair, aggravating, heartbreaking, maddening. I…

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