New Chronic Mascot? Meet #SpoonieShark!

Recent twitter developments in the Chronic community have involved the possible discovery of a new mascot. Karl Austin (@Porkchop275) came across a picture of a shark, and after determining that it looked decidedly unamused and generally “fed up”, applied the little guy to the many frustrations Spoonies encounter. Here are a few of our favorites.

Check them out!

This one expresses general Spoonie frustration and Spoonie Shark’s blunt manner. He doesn’t hide his feelings…

For those with a plethora of pill bottles everywhere….

When people don’t understand the concept of invisible illness…
Symptoms don’t just “go away”, hence the chronic part of the illness
Here, Spoonie Shark informs people that comparing one illness to another really doesn’t help anything, and honestly sounds like they’re trying to trivialize what you’re going through.

This one is just hilarious and probably particularly relevant for those with A.S.
The easily relatable animal soon caught on with other Spoonies such as @kateneedsspoons, who brings a dry sense of humor directed at the unsympathetic and generally unhelpful physicians out there

Shout out to @Porkchop275 for his sense of humor and who knew a shark could be so loveable (in a grumpy sort of way). Search the hashtag #SpoonieShark to find more! What do you all think? Is Spoonie Shark the new mascot? Make your own Spoonie Shark meme here


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