Fidget Spinners: How an Autoimmune Disease Inspired the Worldwide Craze

You have probably seen them, or at least heard of them. In fact, I’d go so far as to say you’ve seen them within the past week or two. The latest craze… fidget spinners!

While at first this new gadget was just for kids, its popularity has made waves in the adult population as well.

And, interestingly enough, the gadget was created by an adult with myasthenia gravis.

Lets take a look at where these little catchy gadgets come from.

Fidget spinners begin their origin story back in the ’90s. There are two stories floating around about the reason for their creation.

But the one that Catherine Hettinger, based in Florida, actually told the New York Times during an interview is that she made the toys because of her myasthenia gravis (which is an autoimmune disorder).

Her disorder had begun to take a toll on her muscles, and she could no longer play toys with her daughter. The resulting fidget spinners were the answer to her problem!

Even cats love them! Source:

These days the toys sell for between $7 and $20 and can be found in many households. These toys, once only used by a mother with myasthenia gravis, became a household name. Now, they are so popular that they have been likened to the hula hoop or yo-yo for the new generation.

Not only did this toy originally help a mother play with her daughter again, but another perk is that it can also be used to help students who cannot focus well in school. It can help them concentrate and pay better attention.

Kids may have made the fad popular, but adults are catching on. There is a new fidget spinner out there geared specifically for adults, and it only costs $10. Perhaps in the future fidget spinners will be advertised to help adults focus in the workplace. Who knows? We will just have to wait and see.

Read original article in the Herald Review here.

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