Pack your bags LGS Warriors, your conference is headed to Orlando, FL this November!
The LGS Foundation is holding it’s fifth International Family and Professional Conference to promote collaboration between LGS families and professionals in order to share the past and future of LGS.
The LGS Foundation is a non-profit organization who strives to support those affected by LGS. While based in the US, they support people around the world. They provide monetary support for things like LGS services and research. To learn more about them, click here.
LGS is a rare form of childhood epilepsy, resulting in severe seizures. Additionally, there can be developmental delays, injuries from the seizures, and occasionally behavioral problems. While there are many potential causes, there are also many potential treatments available to help decrease the amount of seizures with hopes of little side effects and improved quality of life. There is no known cure. To learn more about LGS, click here.
Who: The LGS Foundation
What: LGS Foundation Family and Professional Conference
Where: Orlando, FL
When: November 10th through the 12th, 2017