Multiple Sclerosis
Patient-Feedback in Trials
Since 1995 for the first time, the FDA has approved access to a host of treatment options that aim to prevent the disease’s characteristic relapses. However, the conversation and objectives in the methodology of their drug creation are shifting, increasingly they prioritize individualized treatment. Paul Friedemann, Scientific Director of the Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), gives his vision of the new approach, explaining “If in future we design the studies in such a way that they are more closely orientated to the needs of patients, we will obtain study results that are more likely toenable us to provide patients with more targeted and individualizedmedical care.”
The possibility of treatment options has bloomed in the last decades, today, individualized medical care and immunotherapies are getting its day. Because the disease is so patient specific, matching appropriate health care is vital for these patients. The studies say: listen to the patient’s experience and responses. Many advocates agree: patients have insights that those without their condition do not, and communicate is key.