Multiple Sclerosis: Watch Out for These 10 Warning Signs

According to a story from, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurological illness that can have major impacts on the lives of its patients. As a condition that can be progressive in nature, meaning that it can worsen over time, early diagnosis and treatment can allow patients to live more fulfilling lives with less debilitation. In this article, we look at 10 signs and symptoms that could be early indicators of multiple sclerosis.

About Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Multiple sclerosis is a neurological disease which is characterized by damage to the myelin sheath, a fatty, insulating, protective covering that surrounds nerve cells and allows them to communicate effectively. Although a precise cause has not been determined, multiple sclerosis is considered an autoimmune disease, in which a certain trigger, such as an infection, may cause the immune system to mistakenly attack healthy tissue. Smoking and certain genetic variants are also considered risk factors for the disease. Symptoms include blurred vision, double vision, blindness in one eye, numbness, abnormal sensations, pain, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, difficulty speaking and swallowing, mood instability, depression, loss of coordination, and fatigue. There are a number of treatments available for the disease, but no cure. Life expectancy for patients is slightly reduced. To learn more about multiple sclerosis, click here.

The top ten warning signs of multiple sclerosis can vary from patient to patient but can include:

  1. Problems with vision – This is one of the most common early symptoms of the disease and in one out of four cases is the first reported issue. Double vision and blurred vision are common, and some patients may deal with colorblindness or eye pain. It’s caused by inflammation of the optic nerve.
  2. Weakness and fatigue – Abnormal tiredness that makes it difficult to complete basic tasks could also be a sign of the disease. However, it is found in many other conditions also. Weakness can also occur, and in multiple sclerosis, the legs are often the first area impacted.
  3. Numbness and/or tingling – Unusual sensations such as tingling or numbness are another early warning sign of this disease. The arms, face, legs, or fingers are often impacted and the sensation often spreads over several days. It is caused by problems with neurological signaling.
  4. Muscle spasms and stiffness – Spasms and stiffness can cause chronic pain and lead to weakness. About half of multiple sclerosis patients report these symptoms.
  5. Dizziness and loss of balance – Dizziness and coordination issues are frequent problems for patients. These symptoms can lead to loss of mobility and debilitation.
  6. Speech problems – Many patients may notice problems with speech that are hard to decipher or speech that becomes slurred.
  7. Bladder problems – Incontinence, frequent urination, or very strong urges to do so are reported frequently by multiple sclerosis patients.
  8. Sexual dysfunction – Both men and women may struggle to reach orgasm. In men, erections and ejaculation may become difficult; women may have trouble with the loss of vaginal lubrication and sensation.
  9. Bowel issues – Incontinence or constipation is reported by some multiple sclerosis patients.
  10. Difficulty swallowing – Many patients deal with issues chewing and swallowing food, though this is typically not the first reported symptom.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms that do not subside on their own, it may be time to talk to your doctor.

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