With Proper Training, Parents Can Save Their Child From Cutaneous Mastocytosis

Anaphylaxis, which is usually caused by an allergic attack or an insect bite, is a rapidly occurring episode and may be fatal. According to an article published in Mastopedia, due to its rapid onset, recognition and prompt treatment are required.

Parents and caregivers must be vigilant due to the ever-present threat of a reaction that could be fatal. They must be aware that they can be called on at any time to administer an epinephrine auto-injector (EAI).

Insect Bites

For example, if a person has an allergy to insect stings, the immune system immediately goes into protective mode and overreacts to the insect’s venom. The immune system sees the protein in the venom as dangerous invaders.

Note that children generally do not have reactions to insect bites on the first occasion of a bite. Reactions tend to occur after subsequent bites.

In addition to an insect bite being a causative factor, food and medication may also bring on anaphylaxis.

About The Autoinjector

The autoinjector is a type of medical device most often used to inject a measured amount of epinephrine to stem the effects of anaphylaxis. The Anapen and the EpiPen each have models designed for adults and also models with a lower dose of adrenaline for children.

Autoinjector technology is used to treat pediatric patients who have cutaneous mastocytosis, one of three forms of mastocytosis which primarily affects the skin.

Three Main Forms of mastocytosis:

  •  Maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis (urticaria pigmentosa): the most common type of mastocytosis caused by abnormal white blood cells (mast cells) found in connective tissue causing brown spots and freckles
  • Cutaneous mastocytoma: a type of cutaneous mastocytosis involving hyperpigmented flat lesions (macules) that are under 1cm.
  • Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis: usually develops in infancy. The disease affects most of the skin, giving a leathery and thickened appearance and blistering. Other symptoms are diarrhea, GI bleeding, or anaphylactic shock. It is a type of cutaneous mastocytosis and is the most severe.

Netherlands: European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

In a previous study reported in the NIH, of 100 children diagnosed with cutaneous mastocytosis (CM), eighty-four percent of the children tested were found to have the more common maculopapular CM.

CM is classified according to the WHO criteria. The extent of the CM can be evaluated by the SCORMA Index which was developed by the Academy.

In addition, allergies are identified through the use of the mast cell tryptase diagnostic blood test. The test is useful especially for anaphylactic reactions and to diagnose mastocytosis.

Tryptase is an enzyme that is released from activated mast cells during an immune response. The mast cell test measures the tryptase in the blood.


Clinical allergy research has exposed parents’ feelings of hesitation and anxiety about the use of the EAI. The authors suggest that counseling is needed to encourage parental use of these instruments.

Rose Duesterwald

Rose Duesterwald

Rose became acquainted with Patient Worthy after her husband was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) six years ago. During this period of partial remission, Rose researched investigational drugs to be prepared in the event of a relapse. Her husband died February 12, 2021 with a rare and unexplained occurrence of liver cancer possibly unrelated to AML.

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