White Sox Pitcher Liam Hendriks Returns to Field After Conquering Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL)
Source: pixabay.com

White Sox Pitcher Liam Hendriks Returns to Field After Conquering Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL)

In December 2022, Liam Hendriks—a pitcher for the Chicago White Sox—was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL); he shared this news with the world in January 2023, which Patient Worthy reported…

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MP1032 Earns Orphan Drug Designation for DMD
Source: https://pixabay.com/en/sky-clouds-rays-sun-hope-sunbeam-1107952/

MP1032 Earns Orphan Drug Designation for DMD

As reported in Yahoo! Finance, the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently granted Orphan Drug designation to MP1032. This therapy, developed by clinical-stage biotech company MetrioPharm, is being…

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Rare Community Profiles: “The Boy in the Blue”: An MPS and Mental Health Awareness Project
source: shutterstock.com

Rare Community Profiles: “The Boy in the Blue”: An MPS and Mental Health Awareness Project

Rare Community Profiles     Rare Community Profiles is a new Patient Worthy article series of long-form interviews featuring various stakeholders in the rare disease community, such as patients, their…

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