Look Out for These Signs of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are non-cancerous growths that develop into the nasal passages. Generally, they don’t cause any pain. However, when they reach a certain size, they can inhibit the sense of smell and cause breathing issues.

What Causes Nasal Polyps?

Researchers aren’t entirely sure of what causes the development of nasal polyps, but they are believed to appear as a result of chronic inflammation in the nasal passages, specifically the mucosal lining. Patients may have an immune response to this inflammation that is different from other people. Potential risk factors for the condition include asthma, cystic fibrosis, recurring infections, aspirin sensitivity, family history, being male, and allergic fungal sinusitis.


The diagnostic process typically begins with an examination of the nose. Other tests may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis, such as endoscopy (used to examine the interior of the nose), CT scans, and a skin scratch test, to check for signs of allergic response.

Symptoms and Complications

Symptoms may include sinus infections, sleep apnea, asthma flare-ups, frequent sneezing, snoring, runny nose, nasal congestion, reduced sense of smell and taste, headache, and facial pain.

Treating Nasal Polyps

Treatment usually involves certain medications, such as topical steroids. However, polyps often reappear if treatment stops, and long-term use of steroids is impossible due to side effects. Endoscopic sinus surgery is effective for the majority of patients.

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