A Strawfie is a Selfie While Breathing Through a Straw for Cystic Fibrosis Awareness

What is a strawfie?

A selfie (picture of yourself) while breathing through a straw.

You’ve met Cassie Hawthorne in Patient Worthy’s write up Model with Cystic Fibrosis Bringing Awareness to Disease earlier this year. Living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) herself, Cassie is fronting the annual Strawfie Campaign.

What is the point behind the campaign?

“People are asked to experience for themselves, just for a short time, how difficult life can be when the very act of breathing becomes a daily struggle. When people experience that sensation themselves they are unlikely to forget it and hopefully they will feel empathy”. 

People all over the world are taking strawfies and participating in the strawfie challenge to support the campaign. So far this year’s CF awareness month in the UK has been fantastic!

Our friend Sue from the UK’s BreathwithMe sent us the following story about rugby stars lending their strength to CF Awareness and the recent Irish support for the campaign.  Sue said that she is “quite excited by the possibilities for this campaign now that we have had such a huge response from Ireland.”

Take the #StrawfieChallenge @PatientWorthy

Step 1:   Try breathing through a straw with your nose pinched for at least 60 seconds.

Step 2:   Take a ‘straw breathing selfie’, share on social and tag @PatientWorthy

Step 3:   Make a donation and nominate three friends to take part!

  • In the UK: Text BWCF64 <£AMOUNT> to 70070* or visit UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
  • In the US: Choose your preferred cystic fibrosis charity and donate!
    • Patient Worthy encourages donating to Cystic Life’s UnLeashUs.org to help fund a 100% community driven exercise research campaign. Your donation will go towards funding a research study to investigate the benefits of exercise for CF patients.

Click here to read the write up and see the strawfies of those hunky Irish rugby players, their fans and families! Even animals are taking strawfies!

Patient Worthy and the CF Community welcomes spreading more and more awareness about life with CF. National CF Day is coming up on Sept 8th.

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