This Rap is the Best Way to Describe Narcolepsy

Featured Image is by Gavin Whitner at

Dude, I’m sorry but this narcolepsy video needs way more than 90-some views.

Posted on Grey Alquist’s YouTube channel, two young man made a whole rap to describe not only what narcolepsy is, but how it feels to have it.

I’m a firm believer that everything resonates more when set to music, and the rap’s clever, educational verses give an incredibly helpful glimpse into narcolepsy from a primary source.

Honestly, it’s a lot of fun to see two guys earnestly rapping it out to the instrumentals for Dr. Dre’s “Make the Difference.” The video even goes a step further by explaining common narcolepsy symptoms and treatments in the description.

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Look, there are a number of really amazing sources out there that have all the deets about narcolepsy. But if you want to show anyone the heart of the matter in a casual, playful, not-jargon-filled one, this is a pretty good option.

Do you think a video like this is helpful at explaining narcolepsy to those not in-the-know? Share your thoughts (and share the link to the video on social media)!

Kiki Jones

Kiki Jones

Kiki’s family loves to say, “People are like a baking project. At some point, they’re just done and they’re who they’re going to be.” Well, Kiki still has some baking to do, and she learns a lot from her loved ones living with chronic conditions, including mental illness and Behcet’s disease. With a BA in English, she’s using her skills to tell the stories of people like them.

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