Halloween – Not All About The Candy!

Halloween is here!

The night known for indulging and splurging on candy. For some people this may not be an option though, for instance people with familial hypercholesterolemia. Eating a ton of sugar might be very bad for them.

But fear not, you can still celebrate! Who doesn’t like gushing pumpkin guts between their fingers and baked pumpkin seeds?

Kristen Lord

Kristen Lord

Kristen is a junior and soon to be senior at Christopher Newport University. She has an Associate’s Degree in graphic design, and is working toward her Bachelors in Fine Arts focusing in graphic design. Kristen has a passion for animals and art, and in her spare time likes to paint, or design on the computer as well as playing with her dog Mr. Pickles. Kristen is happy to be moving on to a new chapter of her life soon, getting married at the end of May 2016 and graduating in April 2017.

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