Sufjan Stevens Shares Guillain-Barré Syndrome Diagnosis Prior to New Album Release


Indie songwriter and singer Sufjan Stevens recently posted on, Tumblr, his favorite media platform, that he has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS). Sufjan is now in the hospital working hard to regain his strength and to be able to walk again.

Thanks to intensive physical therapy he is beginning to see progress.

Sufjan wanted to alert his fans that he is excited about Javelin, his new album that will be released on October 6th.

He wants them to know that he will be in recovery for a long time and unable to take part in promotions prior to the release of the album.

Sufjan’s struggle with GBS is documented in his own words in a recent issue of Variety. He said that GBS just ‘happened’ to him one weekend without prior warning. Suddenly he was unable to walk or to move his hands, feet, or legs.

His brother drove him to the ER where he had to undergo tests that included EMGs, MRIs, X-rays, CAT scans, spinal taps, and echocardiograms to mention a few. Sufjan was eventually diagnosed with GBS and noted that he was fortunate the disease had an approved treatment available.

The treatment involves receiving immuno-hemoglobin infusions over a five-day period. Sufjan said those five days were filled with apprehension hoping that the disorder would not affect his brain, lungs, or to his heart. He was given the “all clear” after two weeks and is pleased to say he “owes his life” to that magnificent team of doctors.

Sufjan was moved to acute rehabilitation on September 8th. He is working his way through occupational therapy and intensive physical therapy. The regimen includes building strength and learning to walk.

Sufjan admits that it is a very slow arduous process, but he is told that he will recover and therefore it is worth the effort. He sums it up by saying that it takes time, hard work, and patience. He has heard that the majority of people with GBS are walking after one year. He is now in his second week of rehabilitation but has already noticed progress.

Sufjan has made a commitment to return to good health and points out that he has maintained good morale thanks to his team and his desire to be healthy.

Javelin is on track to be his first solo album since The Ascension in 2020. In May of this year, Sufjan released the soundtrack for the ballet “Reflections” featuring Conor Hanick and Timo Andres.


Rose Duesterwald

Rose Duesterwald

Rose became acquainted with Patient Worthy after her husband was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) six years ago. During this period of partial remission, Rose researched investigational drugs to be prepared in the event of a relapse. Her husband died February 12, 2021 with a rare and unexplained occurrence of liver cancer possibly unrelated to AML.

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