How to Make Your FitBit AND CRPS Supporters Love You!

You may not know Erynn Carroll, but on 5 November 2016, she’ll be taking a step in the right direction—and you can, too!

If you live anywhere near Central New Jersey, you can literally take a walk for complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).

Even if you live nowhere near the Garden State, you can still support CRPS fundraising efforts by “walking virtually” (a.k.a. donating online).

Carroll is the organizer of the event, which is sponsored by the Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association (RSDA).

There’s Pain, and Then There’s PAIN…

Those of you living with CRPS/RSD may already be all too well acquainted with the McGill University Pain Scale/McGill Pain Questionnaires (MPQs). But for those of you wondering why you should donate your hard-earned money to the 3rd Annual Central NJ Walk of Hope for a Cure, here’s a little primer.

MPQs generally list descriptive words that are assigned number values. Patients circle the words that most describe their pain. Included are such sensory details as skin color, temperature changes, pressure, sensitivity, and more emotion-based qualities like tension and fear.

And that wimpy “on a scale of one to 10” thing most people use? Forget about it. The McGill scale goes to 78! (You can download a PDF example of an MPQ by clicking here.)

CRPS pain ranks higher than amputation of a finger or toe!!

If you can imagine dealing with that kind of pain day in and day out, reach for your credit card and click here to donate!



EmpatheticBadass is a young-at-heart writer from Ohio (Go, Bobcats & The Marching 110!)) who is passionate about being a voice for the patient perspective.

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