Billiard Player with Moebius Syndrome Takes the Gold

David Church is a 21-year-old Professional Billiards player and he has the will power of a Saint.
He suffers from Moebius syndrome, an extremely rare neurological disorder that causes severe paralysis of cranial nerves. To learn more about Moebius syndrome, click here.

David locked in his first World Disability Billiards and Snooker (WDBS) open championship gold but it happened in the wake of tragedy, and that tragedy had nothing to do with his rare disorder.

Four weeks prior to the win, David lost his 54-year-old father, a man who was his role model and biggest fan. The news was heart-crushing, but motivated him to push forward and make his father proud. Shortly after he buried him, that motivation helped him win the gold.

“The day I came back from a competition in Germany I heard the terrible news that my father had died from alcoholism,” said David. “I was distraught because he was my best friend. I didn’t play much or practice afterwards because I was a mess. But I went on and achieved the biggest tournament win of my life. When I won, I cried because I wish he was alive to have seen me. I owe and dedicate it all to him.”

His competitor was Adam Leighton whom David beat 3-0 at Woodside Snooker Center. This was his first ever Billiards medal. Earlier in the year, he soldiered toward the final competition and became number one in the knockout stages.

He plays for the WDBS on account of his condition and in addition, suffers from a leg injury from a car accident. The syndrome poses challenges, but nothing challenging enough to prevent David from pursuing his dreams and do what he loves professionally. The disorder has yet to stand in his way, and his recent win is proof of that.

“I love snooker because it’s my escape from depression and troubles off the table,” he said to the eastern daily press. “I get such a buzz out of the game.”

Source: Giphy

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