Don’t Be A Dunce, Learn Something New About Narcolepsy

Did you know there are dos (that’s Spanish for “two”) forms of narcolepsy? Yep!

Type 1. Type 2. Very similar in truth. Both involve excessive sleepiness.


What distinguishes the types is the existence of cataplexy, or a spontaneous decline of muscle functionality due to strong emotions. People with Type 1 narcolepsy may drop to the floor or lose control of their face simply from laughing too hard.


Certain tests, such as a multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) or a lumbar puncture, can determine the type of narcolepsy in a person.

MSLT – On Day 1, patients will undergo a normal sleep study overnight. Day 2 will put the patient through 20-minute-long naps every two hours. The researcher will measure how long it takes for the patient to fall asleep, and how quickly they slide into REM.

Lumbar puncture – Hypocretin levels in the CSF fluid are tested and measured. Based on the numbers, a diagnosed can be determined.

The good news is… the discovery of two different types of narcolepsy promises more focused treatments for patients.

What do YOU know about the types of narcolepsy? What else, in your experience, distinguishes the two? Educate us in the comment section below!

Lady Kehveen Abernathy

Lady Kehveen Abernathy

Lady Kehveen Abernathy, of noble birth (or so she’d like to believe), is what many would call a youthful “old soul.” As a self-proclaimed “caregiver to the world,” impassioned about life, triumph, and all things beauty, Lady Kehveen strives to love others, seek understanding, and most importantly, spread awareness. But don’t let her sweet demeanor deceive you. Dressed to the nines over corset and petticoat, she’s made it her mission to defend the innocent and fight all things evil on this Earth. And being no stranger to chronic disease, she knows exactly where to start.

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