How One Girl Brought Joy to Hundreds of Patients This Easter

10-year-old Shayleigh Davidson visited her sister in the hospital a lot during the last five years. Her sister, Anai, is five years old, diagnosed with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Spending so much time there made her aware of how the other children must feel. That’s why Shayleigh did something special for them this Easter. Keep reading to learn more, or visit the original source for additional details.

This Easter, Shayleigh asked her mother if they could visit Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC). Anai spent many days at QMC and Shayleigh often stayed with her. She decided to help bring a little joy to the children who were still there.

As Shayleigh’s mother explains, Shayleigh wanted to take Easter treats to the children. It all began with nine eggs. 10-year-old Shaleigh bought them herself with her own money.

The number of eggs, however, grew far beyond Shayleigh’s initial nine. In total, Shayleigh took about 300 eggs to QMC. She also brought some stuffed animals for children unable to eat chocolate. This became possible as a result of hundreds of donations. Community members wanted to contribute afte reading a post Shayleigh’s mother made about her efforts on Facebook.

In fact, Shayleigh received such a surplus of eggs she’s donating them to charitable causes beyond her own.

Recipients include Carla Dawson, mother of a two year-old who lost a battle with cancer. Carla continue to raise money and spread awareness of childhood brain tumors.

When doctors diagnosed Anai with spina bifida and hydrocephalus they said she’d never be able to move. Shayleigh says she can now. Anai talks as well. She’s grown considerably. Shayleigh saw that and wanted to help others like Anai. She wanted to see them smile.

Originally, the plan consisted of giving out eggs just to one ward. Thanks to all the donations, however, they’ve been able to include two other children’s wards and the emergency department.

Shayleigh’s mother says Shayleigh came up with the idea completely on her own. It “brought a tear to her eye” when Shayleigh bought the first eggs with her own money. Now it grew beyond expectations.

Deputy Sister of the children’s ward Beverly King described Shayleigh’s idea as fantastic. She says everyone really appreciates it. It is nice, she continues, for the whole family to think of them as they have. It reminds her that the work she does is valuable and worthwhile.

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