Patient Worthy is excited to announce our partnership with WHATNEXT, an oncology focused website that helps people find reliable answers to questions about their disease, find support, and find life beyond cancer
Some breathtaking things are happening in the world of sickle cell anemia (SCA) that could potentially impact the lives of nearly 275,000 babies around the world and nearly 100,000 African…
Continue ReadingFrench Scientists and Doctors are Leading the Way Towards a Cure for Sickle Cell Anemia
I came across an interesting blog about World Hemophilia Day (WHD) which was April 17th, 2017. It’s an interesting read, and fairly simple, one every woman should know about for inspiration,…
Continue ReadingWorld Hemophilia Day Ignites Hemophilia Awareness and Explodes with Inspiration
There is a must-read for more inspiration about living with sickle cell anemia (SCA) – a young woman’s blog, but not just any blog. She’s a DIVA (as in, absolutely…
Continue ReadingHow Would You Describe Your Sickle Cell? Your Voice Matters!
Okay. Hold the phone for just a minute. I’m a bit concerned after reading an article posted by a young girl who is living with sickle cell anemia. She basically…
Continue ReadingFact or Fiction: Do You Believe This Young Girl Was Cured of Sickle Cell Anemia?
Here’s some important information that everyone considering having children should know because they could potentially pass primary carnitine deficiency (PCD) on to their children. PCD, also known as carnitine transport…
Continue ReadingPCD: Know These 6 Critical Signs and Save Your Baby’s Life!
Admittedly, I’m no expert when it comes to sickle cell disease, but after reading about an inspirational young woman who is forging on to live—and I mean LIVE—her life, I’d like…
Continue ReadingGot Sickle Cell Disease? Here’s a Story That Will Make You Smile
Need to get your inspiration fix for sickle cell anemia (SCA)? Look no further! A short and simple video is a click away a la the National Institutes of Health…
Continue ReadingStem Cell Treatment for Sickle Cell Anemia: Is It ONLY for Rich People?
I’ve had one hellofa tough day, but stopped abruptly with an attitude shift to feel inspired after reading an uplifting article which I know will inspire tons of moms in…
Continue ReadingWhy This Mom Chose “Bleeder Moms” Over Blood Relatives for Inspiration
All I can say is: "No $%@#, Sherlock" when I read articles like some of the ones I’ve read recently about the status of hemophilia A and hemophilia B treatments.…
Continue ReadingIt’s Here: Patients with Hemophilia are Increasingly Demanding Improved Treatments and It’s Working!
The Hemophilia Alliance of Maine recently co-sponsored a special event with Shire Pharmaceuticals for grandparents to join together for inspiration. The event was held on April 22nd in Maine. I…
Continue ReadingThese Grandparents Swing with Shire to Ignite Inspiration for Hemophilia!
On Saturday, April 29, 2017, a special event took place to honor women in the hemophilia community living in Idaho. Way to go, Idaho Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation! How…
Continue ReadingHow to Relieve Stress by Joining with Other Women in the Hemophilia Community
Is Mother Nature trying to tell us something? Are the three evil trinity viruses/diseases like Ebola, Zika, and now Lyme disease, simply “Her” way of depopulating her over-crowded planet? Okay.…
Continue ReadingIs Lyme Disease the Next Ebola? Here’s What You Need to Know
A warning has been issued by the HSE in Great Britain about the dangers of Lyme disease, a warning that Americans should follow, too. The HSE is urging Brits to…
Continue ReadingGet the Lyme Disease Precaution Info You Need Here and Now!
When your lungs aren’t getting enough oxygen, it’s a real problem. A big problem, especially, when a person is living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). But that’s not the only…
Continue ReadingThe BEST Method of Explaining IPF Oxygen Therapy to Patients is FREE
I read a rather confusing article about Esbriet, the first FDA-approved treatment for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), and I’d sincerely appreciate your help to make sense of it all. Let me…
Continue ReadingSOS… Can Someone PLEASE Explain Effectiveness of Esbriet for IPF?
I have that sinking feeling… And it’s really starting to bother me. I’ve never said this openly before but here goes: My gut tells me there’s a strange link between…
Continue ReadingIs There a Link Between IPF and Treatment for Breast Cancer?
So there’s this Greek guy who happens to be suffering with frequent bouts of pain and fatigue as a result of living with sickle cell anemia (SCA). And when he…
Continue ReadingSickle Cell Anemia: Why This Greek Guy’s Brilliant Idea Could Save Your Life!
If you or your loved one is living with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), scientists have proven that there is a link between exercise and longevity—especially for people who have IPF.…
Continue ReadingScientists Insist Exercise May Change Course of IPF Progression
I’m barking mad! You know the old saying, “Let sleeping dogs lie,” right? Well, I couldn’t help but think of the 200,000 Americans living and struggling with narcolepsy because they’re…
Marijuana use is certainly controversial and a debated topic. But what's less debatable is the progress of the movement to legalize and embrace it American society - especially for medicinal use.…
Continue ReadingIs Marijuana the Future of Treatment for LGS and Other Epilepsies?
BIG props goes out to a 43-year-old woman who’s living with sickle cell anemia! Having been accused of “jonesing” for more pain medication in the hospital, she quickly became sick…
Continue ReadingWoman with Sickle Cell Anemia Fights Back by Writing a Book
Really? Really. As if having one serious chronic disease isn’t enough, what makes God say, “Hmm…Let’s give this poor, innocent child, another chronic illness"?! In this case, I'm talking about…
Continue ReadingWhen Things Get Tough, 11-Year-Old Girl with Sickle Cell Anemia Gets Tougher
Feeling distraught because your child may have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)? Well you should be—but keep in mind there is still time for hope. I read an easily digestible…
Continue ReadingParents: Did You Know the Comfort Food You’re Feeding Your Kids Could Lead to NASH?
There is a well-known football player who is in one of the biggest fights of his life, and his courage and fierce determination to help raise awareness about sickle cell…
Continue ReadingHow This Star Athlete Scores BIG with Sickle Cell Anemia
Teresa is a 16-year-old girl who is changing the face of sickle cell anemia (SCA) disease. And… SHE… ROCKS! Instead of sitting back and feeling sorry for herself, this beautiful…
Continue ReadingFrom Sickle Cell to Inspiration: How Everyone Can Learn from This Teenage Girl!
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