Anna is from England and recently finished her undergraduate degree. She has an interest in medicine and enjoys writing. In her spare time she likes to cook, hike, and hang out with cats.
An organisation called PatientsLikeMe that helps to represent patients to governments and pharmaceutical companies has published a press release about the results of two recent studies designed to define and…
Continue ReadingRecent Surveys Show What Patients Really Think About Their Standard of Care
Clinical trials of a potential gene therapy treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) have been put on hold after concerns emerged about the safety of the procedure, reports Genetic Engineering…
Continue ReadingPotential Muscular Dystrophy Treatment Faces Safety Concerns and Lawsuits
Researchers at the University of South Florida have developed a blood test that may improve diagnosis for many diseases, including HIV and Lyme disease, reports EurekAlert. The new test uses…
Continue ReadingNew Blood Testing Method Could Make Analysis Cheaper and More Accessible for Patients
A pre-clinical study investigating the effects of antioxidants on mitochondrial diseases has shown promising results, reports EurekAlert. Out of the seven antioxidants trialled, at least two (vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine)…
Continue ReadingNew Study Shows Positive Effects of Antioxidants on Mitochondrial Disease
A gene therapy for Pompe disease is the first treatment of its kind to be clinically tested, reports Duke University. Researchers at the University, working with NCATS Therapeutics for Rare…
Continue ReadingA New Treatment for Pompe Disease Reaches Clinical Trials Stage
A team of researchers led by Prof. Michael N. Hall from Biozentrum, University of Basel, have discovered a tumour suppressor protein called LHPP. Their paper, published in the science journal…
Continue ReadingLiver Cancer Research Breakthrough as Tumour Suppressor Discovered
Neurologists working at the NYU School of Medicine have developed a test that can identify some rare degenerative brain diseases, reports NYU Langone Health. Published in the Annals of Neurology…
Continue ReadingSimple Bedside Test May Help Doctors Diagnose Certain Degenerative Brain Diseases
Scientists and many people affected by mitochondrial DNA diseases have been campaigning for legalisation of mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT) in Canada, reports CBC. It is already legal in several other…
Continue ReadingCanadians Campaign for Legalisation of Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
An advocacy group for people with Pompe disease in New Zealand has criticised the government for failing to uphold an election pledge, reports Scoop Independent News. Candidates from all major…
Continue ReadingNew Zealand Government Called on to Honour Rare Disease Funding Pledge
A new drug being developed to treat Angelman syndrome (AS) has just been approved for ‘orphan drug’ status in the U.S., reports GlobeNewswire. The drug, called GTX-101, works by activating the…
Continue ReadingAngelman Syndrome Treatment Being Developed is Awarded ‘Orphan Drug’ Status in the U.S.
Southampton General Hospital has appointed the UK’s first specialist nurse to give treatment and advice to those suffering from mesothelioma, reports the Southern Daily Echo. Mesothelioma, also known as asbestos…
Continue ReadingFirst Specialised Mesothelioma Nurse in the UK Appointed
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