Editor’s Choice Weekend Roundup: 8-28-15

Check out and pass along the Editor’s Choice articles of the week!

[one_half] Someone self-injecting shot in belly

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5 Reasons Why Sticking Yourself With a Needle Will Make You Smile

Everyone hates needles, check. But that could all change with one simple concept, self-injections. See how this simple idea may change hereditary angioedema patients’ lives forever.

[/one_half_last] [one_half] Kid diving for a baseball

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3 Ways to Be a Badass Like This CVID Baseball Player

So what happens when your life’s dream is stripped from you in an instance by  common variable immune deficiency (CVID)? Be a badass like David.

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What Do Spoons Have To Do With Chronic Illness?

Ever wonder why people living with chronic illnesses like CVID are called spoonies? We’ll give you the rundown.

[/one_half_last] [one_half] A judge gavel

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The FDA Is Supporting These Rare Diseases, Did Yours Make the Cut?

You know when you are a kid in school playing bingo and your teacher finally calls your last number and you jump up and yell bingo! This is exactly what these patients are doing with the FDA’s new announcement.


Pass the roundup along by choosing a social network below. Have a great weekend!