Getting a PFS Diagnosis (Video Series)

Welcome to the second of many posts related to Patient Worthy’s Video Series!

We had the pleasure of interviewing PW contributor Kathryn Ferguson, a mother and a wife, who has been diagnosed with three different rare diseases. Here, she shares how she was able to obtain her PFS diagnosis.

“So my second diagnosis was the periodic fever syndrome. There was a lot of thought that I probably had some version of CAPS, although I hadn’t been diagnosed with that and there was a time when I had the quickest exposure rate at the NIH for the ice cube test.

I’m positive for Cold Urticaria and under 30 seconds, that will send me into anaphylaxis with just an ice cube. So because I was a very serious hiver, and I had the anaphylaxis concerns, I was placed into another group where they diagnosed me with periodic fever syndrome. I always had developed some low grade fevers as a result of a Cold Urticaria episode and it was from that experience that I was diagnosed with PFS (Patellofemoral syndrome).”

Editor’s Note:

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Kathryn is an incredible public speaker and loves to share her story, “Everyone has a problem in their life, some are small, some peoples’ are big, mine is chronic disease. It’s helped me define who I want to be and where I want to go; how to get over the tough patches in my daily life. The tools I’ve used, someone else can use.”

Check out Kathryn’s blog, and keep an eye out for more about Kathryn on Patient Worthy!