Mixing Music Helps Couple Battling Cancer Get By

The love of creating radio is something that can bring people together, according to the Riverine Herald. Whether it’s the perfect mix of melodies or the desire to connect listeners across the airwaves—when it all comes together, it can be powerful.

That’s the type of relationship two DJs share on-the-air and off, as they unite to fight multiple myeloma, chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), and to live the life they love.

For some, radio is a companion to ward off the lonely hours. for others, it’s a connection to the outside world through news headlines and weather forecasts. Still, for others, radio provides a soundtrack for the passing of time.  

I don’t know that I fully appreciated what my chosen profession provided to others when it became my first job out of college or that my overnight DJ shift for a small-town country-western radio station would help define my career 30 years later, but everyone has to start somewhere. And for me, it was in a tiny shack of a building that housed both an AM and FM radio station in western New York.

My parents still share the story of tuning in at 12:03 a.m. to hear their eldest daughter—the first one to attend and graduate from college—start her radio shift off by pimping post hole diggers at Baker’s local hardware store. I’m sure they were proud of me, and that job did lead to bigger things, eventually, but for me, it was a place to weave a love of music, theater and production together. Once you step behind that foam-wrapped mic, it’s hard to break away and consider a real job. I’m sure Pejay and Joy Mirtschin of EMFM 104.7 know what I mean.

The Mirtschins share the on-air DJ mic during a six-hour community radio show in Echuca-Moama, Australia. The time slot, named the Mighty Murray, brings music, commentary and headlines to the local community. The Mirtschins also share something else. They both have blood cancer.

Joy has chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and Pejay has multiple myeloma.

They credit their love of creating their radio show and working in the music business for helping them get through the many doctors’ appointments, chemotherapy sessions and stem cell transplants. Through their radio show, they keep themselves grounded and actively involved in the lives of their communities and listeners. To listen to this dynamic radio duo and other shows on EMFM 104.7, click here.

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