Today is World Sickle Cell Day!
Established in 2008, this international awareness day is aimed to increase public awareness and an understanding of sickle cell diseases, while educating those who may not know enough about experiences patients and their families and/or caregivers go through.
The term sickle cell disease (SCD) describes a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. People with SCD have abnormal hemoglobin, called hemoglobin S or sickle hemoglobin, in their red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body.
Symptoms of SCD include:
Painful swelling of the hands and feet (dactylitis)
Fatigue or fussiness from anemia
A yellowish color of the skin (jaundice) or of the whites of the eyes (icteris)
So, in honor of today – here are 5 things you should know about sickle cell disease.
Sickle cell disease affects mostly African Americans in the US