Orphan Drug Designation Granted to Potential New Hypereosinophilic Syndrome Treatment

Hypereosinophilic syndrome Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) refers to a group of rare conditions characterized by high levels of eosinophils which result in organ damage. These eosinophils often affect the lungs, heart, skin,…

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BridgeBio Receives Almost 300 Million for Continued Rare Disease Research

About BridgeBio Pharma BridgeBio Pharmaceuticals was created in 2015 by veterans from the fields of academia and biotechnology. The company focuses on the development of new therapeutic treatments for genetic…

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Orphan Drug Designation Granted to Therachon’s Drug Apraglutide by FDA for Treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome

A recent article in CheckOrphan reported that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted Orphan Drug Designation for the synthetic GLP-2 analog apraglutide for the treatment of short bowel syndrome…

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