Jeremie Soriano – from Dwarf to Giant

For Part 1 of Jeremie’s story, click here.

I just want to share my rare disease story today! I used to be a theater actor and a performer on stage. My first role as an actor was a “dwarf” on a fantasy play way back 2017 and just this year 8 years after I was given a role for a fantasy play but this time it was a giant. I portrayed the character of “Dillon” a “God of Faith. 

Instead of crying and laughing about how big I am right now, I see it in a positive way. Nothing changes aside from my physical appearance. It is still me, the same as who I am a few years back prior my Acromegaly diagnosis. I can still do things that I love, I still do things that make me happy. Most of the people that I am having conversations with don’t recognize that I am diagnosed with a rare condition, unless I open up with them about it.  I usually don’t bring up acromegaly. It is because I don’t want them to see my illness, I want them to see the things that I am capable of doing. 


I want them to see that even Acromegaly patients are also just like normal people. That’s what I always told my fellow Acromegaly patients here in our country, the Philippines. In fact, these past few months before the year ended, I received some news that my IGF-1 is getting higher despite taking Cabergoline. It was higher than before, but I guess our journey as an Acromegaly patient is like a rollercoaster. I still think positively-, I just go with the flow, and I just live my life as it was before my diagnosis. I hope and pray for a better health in the upcoming years!


Source: Jeremie Soriano

To learn more about Jeremie and his journey with Acromegaly and life in the Philippines, go to support and him his Facebook group at (20+) Acromegaly – Philippines | Facebook