5 Ways Your Butt Can Save a Life

Denim is a lot of things—it’s versatile, it’s comfortable, and with the right cut, it’s great for your butt. But is denim really life-changing?

Thanks to Jeans for Genes Day, an awesome initiative launched by the Genetic Disorders UK, the answer is an unexpected yes!

The idea is simple: Jeans rhymes with ‘genes’, ok not technically. Anyway, to raise awareness and funds for rare genetic conditions, people are asked to wear their jeans in solidarity and donate.

Sounds fun, right? Well, everyone from celebrities to renowned chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) nurses agree, which explains the Day’s overwhelming popularity across Australia and the United Kingdom.

Funny clip of mom jeans
And yes…mom jeans are welcomed to this shindig as well. Source: Reactiongifs.com

But Jeans for Genes isn’t just a fun play on words or an excuse to take advantage of casual Friday—the charity fundraiser has dedicated itself to helping families.

And it has done a lot for the cause.

So here are 5 ways dressing in your finest jeans has helped more than simply making your butt look good:

1. Jeans for Genes Brings a Spotlight to Real Children

Spend two seconds on their website, and you’ll find it covered with stories and pictures of the very children Jeans for Genes is supporting.

2. Dressing in Jeans Means More Funds for Genetic Disorders UK

No matter where it takes place, Jeans for Genes benefits a major charity. For the UK, it’s just one leg of Genetic Disorders UK, which provides much needed information and resources to families facing rare genetic conditions.

3. Your Jeans Grant Wishes

Well, the funds are used to grant actual grants, but considering these grants aid dozens upon dozens of disease-specific organizations, I’m sure someone’s wish comes true.

4. The Organization Helps Kids by Talking to Kids

Kids can be really mean, especially to people who are different, which is why it’s essential that Jeans for Genes is devoted to bringing resources and awareness into schools.

5. Like a Good Pair of Jeans, Their Goals Just Fit

Theatre productions, family retreats, the platform to speak—Jeans for Genes is trying to accomplish a lot, but its greatest accomplishments are the “little things” that brighten a child’s day.

If you want to participate, Jeans for Genes Day is September 18th, 2015.

But don’t worry if you miss the day itself. You can still be proud of what your mama gave you if you wear your favorite pair of denim, buy Jeans for Genes apparel, or share the cause on your social media.

Encourage others to slap those denim beauties on and support kids living with rare diseases like CGD by sharing this with a button below!

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