This Mom’s Heart Will Make You Want to Act

It’s September! You know what that means?

Happy “Dystonia Awareness Month!”

Source: Reddit

Maybe “Happy” is the wrong word… Because, while spreading awareness is always something to cheer about, dystonia is not.

Here at Patient Worthy, we’ve read stories about the stages of grief parents endure upon receiving their child’s diagnosis of dystonia. But have we ever considered what it must be like for a mother with young children to receive her own diagnosis of dystonia?

As reported by WILX, for Gina Rosendall-Saucedo, that diagnosis “made working and being a mom almost impossible.”

Symptoms of dystonia typically include, depending on the type, spasms in various parts of the body, muscle contractions, pulling, stiffness, and oftentimes severe pain.

Can you imagine living in a body that does nothing but fight against you? In a constant war with her vessel, never 100% sure when the next battle will ensue, it’s no wonder Gina worries about being able to play an active role in her young son’s life.

It took 18 months for Gina to get her diagnosis, too long for a person desperately in need of treatment. Though, in this case, treatments for dystonia are few and far between. That’s why, today, Gina has dedicated herself to spreading awareness about her disease–for herself and others like her.

In Michigan, Governor Rick Snyder has named September “Dystonia Awareness Month,” but Gina still holds out hope for recognition to span nationwide.

Play a part by joining the #signtheDAMpetition campaign and sign the petition advocating for nationwide recognition of September as “Dystonia Awareness Month.”

How does dystonia affect your daily life and relationships? Get the conversation started by leaving a comment below!

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