Running Helped This Woman with Trigeminal Neuralgia Find Herself Again

At first the running was exercise, a way to lose a few pounds.

Running soon became the way Beth Markesino forgot her diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia (TN)the way she found herself again.

As reported by Runner’s World, Beth was diagnosed with TN in 2005. This rare condition affects nerves in the head, causing spasms of intense, often debilitating, facial pain. Trying to avoid everything that would cause an attack, Beth told Runner’s World that she felt like she wasn’t living. She tried various procedures and medications, but the pain persisted.

After taking up running to lose weight after the birth of her daughter in 2012, Beth found that running somewhat alleviated her symptoms. Though she’ll still experience the pain while running, Beth said she uses her running techniques to push through the TN pain.

Beth has since run at least three marathons, as well as four half marathons. She told Runner’s World:

When I run, I fight again, and I’m my old self before TN.

Running became more than a distraction, a way to forget the pain. It became a way to fight it. When running, the pain didn’t define Beth. TN didn’t define her.

We can learn so much from Beth.

Looking beyond a diagnosis can be hard. Disease, and everything involved, can overwhelm. Though, deep down, you know you’re not defined by your diagnosis, sometimes you forget. You feel lost.

Beth found herself through running.

So, find that something that makes you you again. It could be running; it could be gardening. Whatever that something is, give it your all.

Then share it with others. You never know who you might inspire. Beth told Runner’s World that she dedicates every marathon to the TN community.

Read more about Beth’s story here.

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