Trump This?! Obamacare to the Rescue. Seriously.

Let’s face it. Every now and then, you run across an article that makes ya wanna go, “Whaaaa?” And this is the perfect example.

Apparently, a bunch of research analysts from the UK, who may have a science-based clinical background, got together and did a study on cervical dystonia (CD). But before we jump into the results of that analysis, let’s look at some quick facts about CD.

Cervical Dystonia at a Glance:

People of all ages can be diagnosed with CD, which is a rare condition that causes abnormal, involuntary muscle contractions. It’s commonly characterized by tremors and/or other repetitive types of motions that may be neurologically based.

CD basically falls into three categories: acquired, genetic, or idiopathic. With acquired CD, it’s usually brought on by something in the environment or due to some type of exposure that damages the brain, which could include severe reactions to certain types of drugs.

With genetic CD, parents pass on a genetically mutated gene to their children. And only after all other causes have been ruled out, can patients be diagnosed with idiopathic CD, which means that doctors don’t know why the patient has it.

As far as treatment is concerned, there’s nothing that will actually slow the progression of the disease, but the good news is that the symptoms can be treated to help relieve pain and stiffness and involuntary muscle spasms. Additionally, some patients’ symptoms are managed by a combination of medications, surgery, and even physical therapy.

And now…back to the article that focuses on the analysis that was done weighing the cost-benefits of the management of treatments for CD in the United Kingdom which can be found here.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m glad to be living in the United States—and am grateful for Obamacare! Granted some pharmaceutical companies are getting away with outrageous price increases on their drugs, but at least Americans get to determine which drugs we want to take!

By working with our healthcare team, WE get to determine which effective treatment we want. And if/when we can’t afford it or our insurance companies won’t pay? The simple answer is: we contact the pharmaceutical company and ask for financial assistance. Yes, boys and girls, sometimes if you ask nicely–and qualify– drugs are freeeeeeeeee!

Alisha Stone

Alisha Stone

Alisha Stone has a BA in psychology and is dedicated to improving the lives of others living with chronic illnesses.

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