Girl With SMA Gets by With a Little Help from Her Robot Friend

Addilynne is a 3-year-old with living with a disease that affects her muscle movement and strength: spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). But Amanda, her mother, states that SMA is an acronym for “so much attitude” because of Addilynne’s sassy personality.

When Addilynne was diagnosed with SMA, she wasn’t given much time to live. Luckily, she was able to participate in a trial for a medicine that was recently approved by the FDA. Addilynne is stronger after receiving the treatment. Without the treatment, her symptoms most likely would have worsened.

The condition has an impact on her capacity to swallow and breathe. And during flu season, the virus could potentially prove fatal, so to keep her safe, Addilynne’s mother keeps her at home.

The family got some help from an unlikely friend. Addilynne’s elementary school in Ohio provided her with a Vgo robot, which helps her interact with her classmates and teacher.

The robot attends the class for her and the students connect with Addilynne as if she were in the class herself. This way, she does not have to miss any days at school. The robot keeps Addilynne involved in school and allows her to partake in daily lessons.

It is amazing the robot has made such a difference in her life. Click here to read more about Addilynne’s story.

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