A Basic Exercise Regimen Boosted Energy Levels in Testicular Cancer Patients

According to a story from Science Daily, a recent study found that a rigorous exercise program reduced fatigue in testicular cancer patients and helped boost their self-esteem. Patients with the worst overall fitness at the beginning of the study also saw the greatest benefit. The study did not involve patients with active cancer, but testicular cancer survivors.
Testicular cancer typically appears as either a noticeable lump in the testicle or as pronounced swelling and pain the testicle. Primary risk factors include a family history, previous testicular cancer case, an undescended testicle, and cannabis use. Treatment can result in infertility. Testicular cancer is more common in the developed world, and tends to occur at a fairly young age, most commonly appearing the 20s or 30s. Some symptoms can include a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum and breast enlargement. Testicular cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes can cause lower back pain, and cancer that spreads to the lung can cause shortness of breath and bloody cough. Testicular cancer is often curable and is highly treatable, and is generally considered one of the most responsive cancers to treatment. To learn more about testicular cancer, click here.

Although treatment can cure testicular cancer is the majority of cases, there are still some residual health changes that can occur after treatment. Men may become infertile and many experience reduced energy levels after treatment. Survivors are at increased risk for certain health issues.

In the study, a total of 63 survivors participated in a twelve week exercise regimen. The participants reported a boost in self-esteem and increased energy levels. This effect was still present three months after the program. The simple exercise process involved a period of jogging for two minutes alternating with walking for two minutes. This presents an advantage as it does not require an exceptional degree of physical fitness in order to complete.

Martin Ledwick, from Cancer Research UK, says that the study contributes to mounting evidence that suggests that survivors of many different types of cancer could see a significant increase in energy levels from a simple exercise routine. Fatigue is a common complaint of many survivors.

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