Rare Disease Mom’s inspirational memes – Shelly


Shelly is a wife and mother of 2 amazing kids. She is also living with rare chronic conditions called Intracranial Hypertension and Primary Lateral Sclerosis among a myriad of other issues mostly stemming from these two primary conditions.

Shelly underwent brain surgery in 2012 to install a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (known as a “VP shunt” for short) and had to have a revision done to the device in 2014. Though her condition continues to deteriorate, Shelly is focused on the future.

Living with a rare disease has been hard for Shelly, but she depends on her strong spiritual and religious connections to gain strength, momentum, courage and hope. She aims to inspire others through her spiritual journey, her writing and her books.

You can visit her blog by clicking here 

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