Man With Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Launched a TIE-tanic Campaign

One tie, two ties, red tie, blue tie…

The list goes on and on for Doug Robins, a young Australian man who’s raising awareness for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) by wearing a different tie each day.

He’ll wear a tie with a button down, a tank top, a T-shirt, you name it, and he’s documenting the whole journey on his Facebook page, “A Tie Per Day Until The Play.”

Why the tie?

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) reported that Doug chose the tie because of its association with the male gender. An incurable genetic disorder, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy most commonly affects boys. 1 in every 3,500 males, to be exact.

As Doug told ABC:

The tie actually fits with the idea of masculinity and, whether you’re different or have a condition, it shouldn’t affect that.

I checked out Doug’s Facebook page, and I have to say, it put a smile on my face.

Not only does the guy have a pretty astounding collection of ties, he provides a window into his life and personality. From eating fish and chips by the ocean to hanging out with his nephew, Doug does it all with a sense of humor, joy and, always, a tie around his neck.

You have to give Doug a hand for his commitment. By the end of his campaign, Doug could amass as many as 500 ties.

But the whole thing is about much more than just the tie collection.

Doug hoped to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy Queensland’s Cough Assist Program. Essentially, the program helps individuals with DMD rent a machine that assists in breathing and coughing. It’s a machine that could really affect quality of life.

If interested in Doug’s cause, you can donate here.