Compassion Corner: Compassionate Use, Expanded Access Part One: The Terminology Is Different But the Unmet Need Is the Same

Compassion Corner: Compassionate Use, Expanded Access Part One: The Terminology Is Different But the Unmet Need Is the Same

Compassion [kuhm-pash-uhn] noun A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. Compassion Corner is a…

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“With Mais and Mal:” Meet Two Sisters Changing the Conversation around MID & Life with a Rare Disease (Pt. 2)
Mallory and Maisy with their family. Photo courtesy of Mallory Cyr

“With Mais and Mal:” Meet Two Sisters Changing the Conversation around MID & Life with a Rare Disease (Pt. 2)

In Part 1 of "With Mais and Mal," Patient Worthy spoke with Mallory Cyr about microvillus inclusion disease (MID), Mallory's story, and the process of becoming an advocate. Today, we…

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Whole-Plant Medicinal Cannabis Found to be Superior to CBD as Treatment for Childhood-Onset Epilepsy

A study conducted by Rayyan Zafar and his colleagues from the Imperial College London was recently published in BMJ Paediatrics Open. This investigation evaluated the efficacy of whole-plant cannabis as a treatment for…

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