Adding Evinacumab to Care Plan Can Significantly Increase HoFH Life Expectancy

Adding Evinacumab to Care Plan Can Significantly Increase HoFH Life Expectancy

In the average person, you would expect to see normal to near-optimal low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels sitting at 129 mg/DL or lower; levels under 100 are seen as healthier.…

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Invex Therapeutics Hits Recruitment Roadblocks in IIH Study

Invex Therapeutics Hits Recruitment Roadblocks in IIH Study

When biopharmaceutical company Invex Therapeutics (“Invex”) first decided to launch a clinical trial to evaluate Presendin (sustained-release exenatide) for idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH), the company felt excited. Presendin is a…

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