Studies Show Thyroidectomy for Graves’ Disease Have Low Hypoparathyroidism Rates
sabinevanerp / Pixabay

Studies Show Thyroidectomy for Graves’ Disease Have Low Hypoparathyroidism Rates

  According to a recent article from Medscape, older patients being treated for Graves' disease should not be deterred from thyroidectomies, as they result in low rates of hypoparathyroidism. Graves’…

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Living with Graves’ Disease? Then be on the Lookout for Thyroid Eye Disease

Living with Graves’ Disease? Then be on the Lookout for Thyroid Eye Disease

Graves' Disease Awareness Month is recognized in July of each year. As part of this year's awareness campaign, the nonprofit organization Prevent Blindness and Horizon Therapeutics collaborated to create the…

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Scientists at the University of Birmingham are Researching Methods to Reverse Autoimmune Diseases

Scientists at the University of Birmingham are Researching Methods to Reverse Autoimmune Diseases

  According to an article in Science Alert first published in the journal The Conversation, researchers at the University of Birmingham have shown that it is possible to prevent the…

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Researchers in Sweden Studied 116,330 Twins and This is What They Discovered About Autoimmune Diseases

  According to a recent article from EurekAlert!, researchers used data from the Swedish Twin Registry and found that most of the 7 diseases they were studying were inherited.  The second finding…

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