Why Narcolepsy in The Military is a Terrible Idea
Narcolepsy and the military? Not so fast. It's pretty common knowledge that narcolepsy is one of those medical conditions that will prevent you from enlisting--and could very likely lead to…
Narcolepsy and the military? Not so fast. It's pretty common knowledge that narcolepsy is one of those medical conditions that will prevent you from enlisting--and could very likely lead to…
Fine, I’ll be the first one to say it—I’m a cynic. Straight up. It’s a family trait so proudly established that when questioned by a very young Kiki about our…
Happy Rare Disease Week friends! This week we have an exciting article on the first day of Rare Disease Week on Capitol Hill (though technically, the first day was at the…
Okay, you know what’s funny? I literally just wrote an article "The Paleo Diet and Narcolepsy: What You Need To Know" about a “Paleo Narco,” a young woman with narcolepsy…
above photo by Sandro Georgi Photography Imagine that your son was suddenly falling asleep all the time; around the house, at school, during dinner, and that when you took him to…
If you're curious about narcolepsy from a first-person perspective, there's an awesome YouTube channel you should subscribe to. Sleepy Sarah Elizabeth is creating a video journal detailing her struggles with…
Here at Patient Worthy, we've written quite a bit about Narcolepsy. However, we can't help but think that taking a step back to answer some basic questions about the disease is…
The Paleo Diet—which has the hunter-gatherer food aesthetic of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins—has gotten a whole spectrum of attention. We’re talking everything from obsessed proponents to frantic debunkers, and all the…
Way to go, Vice magazine/website! A young guy trying to live a normal life with narcolepsy needs a tightly-regulated, prescription medication—that also happens to be a hot club drug—to function.…
Dee Daud suffers from an extremely severe case of narcolepsy. Even walking his dog, which he tries to do three times a day, can turn into an emergency. He will…
Son of a biscuit! I'm a little upset and I'll tell you why, but first I have a confession to make: I don't actually live with any of the conditions…
Amanda Vasas has a special reason for wanting to elevate awareness about narcolepsy, a chronic sleep disorder she was diagnosed with at the age of 16. She doesn't want anyone else to…
All of us have been there: you're at work and an important deadline is coming up--your boss is breathing down your neck, and your co-workers are micro-managing the project. It's…
Aquí en PatientWorthy, creemos que la risa puede ser la mejor medicina. Humor irónico es sorta lo nuestro. Pero para aquellos que ofenden fácilmente, o tal vez incluso moderadamente intolerante,…
On Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 20:55:24 -0000 Sleepymoon posted the following message to readers followed by 128 different versions of You Might Have Narcolepsy IF... Are we really…
You made it! It's the end of the week and time for yet another Editor's Choice post. What do heart failure and narcolepsy have in common? Do you have a…
In the "Don't judge; you never know what someone's going through" department.... Oh. My. GAWD! This woman is awesome! Growing up, this young woman blogger, whom we'll call Ezzie, was…
When you hear the word "narcolepsy," you may think of Rowan Atkinson's character in the movie Rat Race. He has narcolepsy, a disease characterized by frequent bouts of day-time sleepiness. Throughout the…
When I think back to my school days in the South during the 1960s and ‘70s, I’m still haunted by some of the crazy things that I witnessed. For example,…
Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered a gene that could possibly reduce the risk of cardiac issues, like heart failure. What's weird... it's the same gene, when mutated, that was…
In November 2015, PatientWorthy sounded off on an article that I really liked called: “A Day in the Life of a Narcoleptic” by Steven Jackson. I applauded (and still do)…
Some teenagers have trouble staying awake in class--but most of them have a fairly normal excuse: they stayed up too late. Then there are teens who actually do have a…
So…. As a dog fanatic, reading the Wall Street Journal headline “Why Dogs are Some Scientists’ New Best Friends” gave me the heebie-jeebies at first. I’m the kind of person…
Hey, want to know how to really ruin the day for someone living with excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)? Just tell them “Oh, I get tired a lot too.” Apart from…
If you have narcolepsy, excessive daytime sleepiness, and/or cataplexy, you know how hard it can be to function in "real-world" time. And while treatments have improved, there is still no…