Could Snail Venom Be Your Answer to Pain Management?

Those of us with rare diseases like behcet’s and fibromyalgia, that cause great pain, can often get frustrated and irritable because we try everything, do everything right, and yet we are still in great pain.

We don’t want to get on pain killers because they hurt our stomach or that whole addiction thing. We try nerve blockers but they just don’t do the trick. Our diet is perfect and our lifestyle has adjusted to the point where we can manage our triggers to a point… but then we get flare ups for no apparent reason and it sends us into a downward spiral of pain.

Well, now there is new and weird hope. According to BBC, a snail venom compound offers long-term pain relief in rats. It acts differently than typical pain relievers, with the added bonus of not being addictive. Additionally, it could potentially block new pain from developing at all.

While it’s still in it’s testing phases, this offers new hope for us in the chronic pain world of rare disease.

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