Mom Gives a Piece of Her Liver to Son with Wilson Disease

Wilson disease is a rare genetic disorder.

What does it cause? Well, copper begins to build up in the liver and brain, sometimes to a dangerous degree. One young boy in India had Wilson disease, and it led to liver failure. Thus, it was urgent for him to get a liver transplant.

He was sent to the transplant team at Apollo Hospitals. And on January 14, 2017, a doctor by the name of Manish Varma and his team performed the transplant.

The child’s mother agreed to have a piece of her liver transplanted to her son. Fortunately, his mother was a match, her liver was also fit to be used as a donation. How amazing that she was able to donate part of her liver to her son!

During surgery, the team was challenged when the part of the boy’s liver had two especially tiny blood vessels. I’m talking 1 and 1.5 millimeters.

The doctors on the transplant team stated it was immensely challenging to work to join the small blood vessels. There was a great chance that the vessels would clot again in the time following surgery.

All things considered, the surgery went well! The child recovered with his new liver and was discharged from the hospital.

Click here to read more about the operation!

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