Sarcoidosis Research Center Focused on Patient Care

Sarcoidosis Research Center Focused on Patient Care

Exciting news for people living with sarcoidosis! Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) has developed a Sarcoidosis Center of Excellence. Presently, Dr. Wonder Drake is the director of the center. She…

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This New Sarcoidosis App Could Expand Our Understanding of the Disease

This New Sarcoidosis App Could Expand Our Understanding of the Disease

According to an article from Rare Disease Report, a brand new app has been created for sarcoidosis patients. Created by Misha Rosenbach, the app was developed in partnership with the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research.…

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Laughable Disease or Silent Killer? You Decide

Laughable Disease or Silent Killer? You Decide

Have you ever heard a word and not known what it was? That happens to me all the time. I hear something, I think it sounds like something else, and…

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Editor’s Choice: An Amazing Mom with MS & a Young Woman with Wilson’s

Welcome to this week's Editor's Choice! This week we are highlighting this inspirational, beautiful mother who wants to spread her message. She's currently battling multiple sclerosis in a courageous and proactive way,…

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