Rare Community Profiles: The Importance of Community While Raising a Child with GRIN2B Disorder
source: Nadia Bilous

Rare Community Profiles: The Importance of Community While Raising a Child with GRIN2B Disorder

Rare Community Profiles     Rare Community Profiles is a Patient Worthy article series of long-form interviews featuring various stakeholders in the rare disease community, such as patients, their families,…

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Why Me, Why Not
source: Lauren Williams

Why Me, Why Not

NOTE: This story was provided through the CureGRIN Foundation, a Patient Worthy partner organization.  Written by Lauren Williams Why Me, Why Not A question I struggled terribly with at the…

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Accelerating the Journey to Rare Disease Treatment: An Interview with Katheron Intson of Varient (Pt. 1)
Katheron Intson

Accelerating the Journey to Rare Disease Treatment: An Interview with Katheron Intson of Varient (Pt. 1)

Katheron Intson is a passionate scientist; she likes understanding how and why things work the way that they do. So when Katheron’s friend reached out about a mysterious health problem,…

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