It’s Halfway Through 2016 and We Want to Share Some Awesomeness with You!

We are halfway through 2016 and we want to thank you Patient Worthians, old and new, for reading, sharing your stories, and supporting our patient contributors and writers!

As a thank-you, we wanted to highlight for you some of our most popular articles. Check them out below:

  1. 7 Bizarre Ways You Know You Have POTS
  2. Traumatic Experience and Grief that Comes with Chronic Illness
  3. This Mom’s Video Could Make CVID Awareness Go Viral
  4. Losing 150 lbs and Living with Dystonia
  5. Unwelcomed Advice After My Dystonia Diagnosis
  6. Move Over Barbie. This is the Model Little Girls Should Idolize
  7. Ohio Twins with Cystic Fibrosis Spreading Awareness
  8. How This Young Woman is Fighting 8 Years of Lyme Disease
  9. Why Being Mixed Race Sucks When You Have Amyloidosis
  10. This Mom’s Narcolepsy Story Will Make You Hold Your Tongue

We at Patient Worthy are dedicated to bringing you guys the best and most relevant content to your rare condition. Let us know if you’d like to add to the conversation by clicking here!


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