Anna is from England and recently finished her undergraduate degree. She has an interest in medicine and enjoys writing. In her spare time she likes to cook, hike, and hang out with cats.
The United States Food and Drug Administration has approved Copiktra™ (duvelisib). The drug is now approved as a treatment for adult patients diagnosed with refractory or relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukaemia…
Continue ReadingThe FDA has Approved a New Cancer Drug Called Copiktra™ (duvelisib)
The company Genkyotex has announced that they have finished enrolling participants for a Phase 2 clinical trial of the investigational drug GKT831 in patients who have primary biliary cholangitis. The…
Continue ReadingA Study of a Potential Drug for Primary Biliary Cholangitis has Exceeded its Patient Enrolment Target
Encouraging interim data has been shared from two studies of risdiplam (RG7916), a drug being researched as a potential treatment for spinal muscular atrophy types 1, 2, and 3. For…
Continue ReadingData from Studies of a Potential Drug for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Show Very Encouraging Results
The United States Food and Drug Administration has awarded Orphan Drug Designation to Q-Cells®, a product being developed by Q Therapeutics, for the treatment of transverse myelitis. For more detailed…
Continue ReadingThe FDA has Granted Orphan Drug Status to Q-Cells® for the Treatment of Transverse Myelitis
Avrobio has released updates on patients in two clinical trials of a potential gene therapy for Fabry disease. According to the announcement, two patients taking part in a Phase 1…
Continue ReadingNew Updates on Patients Taking Part in Studies of a Gene Therapy for Fabry Disease Have Been Released
Ultragenyx Pharmaceuticals has shared data from two cohorts taking part in an on-going study involving an investigational gene therapy for ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency. For more information, you can view the…
Continue ReadingUltragenyx has Released Updates on Their Study of a Potential Gene Therapy for OTC Deficiency
Topline results have been shared from a Phase 3 study of the investigational drug givosiran in patients with acute hepatic porphyria. For more detailed information you can view the source…
Continue ReadingEncouraging Topline Data has Been Shared From a Phase 3 Study of a Drug for Acute Hepatic Porphyria
An art exhibit held at the Galerie Gora in Montreal, Canada, has used photographs and short stories to share the experiences of eleven people with acromegaly. You can read the…
Continue ReadingA Canadian Art Exhibit Shared the Experiences of People with Acromegaly
Two Phase 2 clinical trials called ‘Elektra’ and ‘Arcade’ have been initiated. They will investigate the drug OV935/TAK-935 as a potential treatment for paediatric patients with rare epilepsies. For more…
Continue ReadingTwo Phase 2 Clinical Studies of a Drug for Rare Epilepsies Have Been Initiated
Researchers at the University of Utah are working on developing computational tools that can be used to help identify the genetic changes underlying early infantile epileptic encephalopathy. For more detailed…
Continue ReadingNew Tools are Being Developed to Help Understand the Genetic Causes of Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy
Avrobio has received no objection from Health Canada for their clinical trial application for their Phase 1/2 study of an investigational gene therapy for Gaucher disease. Following this news, Avrobio…
Continue ReadingAvrobio Plans to Go Ahead with a Phase 1/2 Study of a Gene Therapy in Gaucher Disease
Shriners Hospitals for Children® has announced their motion analysis centre consortium. The hospital’s Motion Analysis Centre is used to evaluate the movements and gait of children and teenagers. To read about…
Continue ReadingShriners Hospitals for Children® are Using Motion Analysis Centres to Help Understand Patients’ Movements
Nightstar Therapeutics has released preliminary data from a Phase 1/2 study of an experimental gene therapy designed to treat X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. For more detailed information you can view the…
Continue ReadingPreliminary Data from a Phase 1/2 Study of a Gene Therapy for X-Linked Retinitis Pigmentosa has been Shared
A study carried out by researchers from Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital has explored the link between dopamine neurones, Parkinson’s disease, and psychiatric disorders. To read about…
Continue ReadingResearchers are Looking into How RNA Affects Parkinson’s Disease and Psychiatric Disorders
The United States Food and Drug Administration has awarded Orphan Drug Designation to an experimental PLX cell therapy (called PLX-R18) as a treatment for graft failure and incomplete haematopoietic recovery…
Continue ReadingThe FDA Has Awarded Orphan Drug Designation to a Therapy for Complications After Haematopoietic Cell Transplantation
Sangamo Therapeutics has shared details of their preliminary data from a clinical trial of the investigational drug SB-525 in patients with Haemophilia A. For more detailed information, you can read…
Continue ReadingPreliminary Data from a Phase 1/2 Study of a Gene Therapy for Haemophilia A has been Shared
A study carried out by a research team at Yale University and mainly funded by the National Institutes of Health has identified a cell in the spinal fluid of patients…
Continue ReadingScientists have Found a New Type of Cell in the Spinal Fluid of Patients with HIV
After their own personal struggles with cancer, the Rendina family are working to raise money and awareness to fight the disease. For more information, you can view the source press…
Continue ReadingHow the Rendina Family is Working to Fight Cancer
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have studied the genetics of a class of neurological disorders that includes Huntington’s disease and Fragile X Syndrome. They found that there were similarities…
Continue ReadingA Group of Disorders Share Similarities in Their DNA 3D Folding Patterns, Researchers Say
Maurice Elias, who was born with severe combined immunodeficiency, has met up with the doctor who saved his life almost fifty years ago. For more information, you can read the…
Continue ReadingMaurice Elias Met Up With the Doctor Who Treated Him for SCID Almost Fifty Years Ago
Scientists working in a lab have successfully managed to grow a miniature human esophagus (esophageal organoid). They hope that this could be used in the future to study conditions…
Continue ReadingScientists Have Grown a Miniature Human Esophagus in a Lab
A new study explored the mechanisms underlying narcolepsy, a rare sleep disorder. The condition has previously been linked to reduced levels of a neurotransmitter called hypocretin, and the recent study…
Continue ReadingResearchers are Working to Understand the Causes of Narcolepsy
A new study has found that a certain type of bacteria may play a significant role in the development of stomach cancer. For more information, you can view the source…
Continue ReadingA Strain of Bacteria May be a Risk Factor For Stomach Cancer
A research team led by scientists from Newcastle University believe that they may have identified a previously unknown genetic cause of childhood mitochondrial disease. For more information about this, you…
Continue ReadingResearchers Identify a Genetic Variant Linked to Mitochondrial Disease
Amicus Therapeutics has met with the United States Food and Drug Administration to discuss the investigational drug AT-GAA, which is being researched as a potential treatment for Pompe disease.…
Continue ReadingAmicus Therapeutics and the FDA Have Met to Discuss the Path for a Potential Pompe Disease Therapy
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