The Struggles of being a Rare Disease Patient in China

The State of Rare Diseases in China The Illness Challenge Foundation (ICF) is an organization devoted to easing the burdens that rare disease patients living in China face. They accomplish this…

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Theranexus Releases Early Data from its Narcolepsy Clinical Trial
PixelAnarchy / Pixabay

Theranexus Releases Early Data from its Narcolepsy Clinical Trial

According to a story from, the biopharmaceutical company Theranexus has recently released preliminary results from a Phase II clinical trial that is testing the company's experimental product THN102. This…

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Study Confirms Some Narcolepsy Diagnoses Can be Linked to the Flu

Study Confirms Some Narcolepsy Diagnoses Can be Linked to the Flu

Emmanuel Mignot, who is the director of the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine has long believed that some onsets of Narcolepsy could be caused by a confused autoimmune response in…

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