Nuevo tratamiento podría ayudar a los guerreros del dolor combatir SDRC
CRPS drug in Italy could help relieve pain. Pixabay

Nuevo tratamiento podría ayudar a los guerreros del dolor combatir SDRC

Dolor colosal. Hinchazón gigantesca. Hipersensibilidad. Los cambios drásticos en la temperatura corporal. Imagínese estar en ese tipo de dolor todo el tiempo. Francamente, suena un poco como una pesadilla. Bueno,…

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Editor’s Choice Weekend Roundup: #NERVEmber Highlights!
WeekendRoundUp 11.20.2015

Editor’s Choice Weekend Roundup: #NERVEmber Highlights!

Because it's the month of #NERVEmber, we are highlighting CRPS and other nerve pain conditions. Diseases like CRPS and POTS often go unnoticed in the community at large. We are honored to bring awareness…

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Orange You Glad People are Finally Speaking Out About CRPS?
November 2nd was Color the World Orange Day to help bring awareness to CRPS.

Orange You Glad People are Finally Speaking Out About CRPS?

Monday, November 2, was Color the World Orange Day, an initiative to help bring awareness to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, also referred to as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RDS). Color the World…

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