The Link Between Psoriasis, Depression, and Psoriatic Arthritis

The Link Between Psoriasis, Depression, and Psoriatic Arthritis

It's not unusual for a disease like psoriatic arthritis to come with the risk of having other conditions, or a comorbidity. More than you might think, people with psoriatic arthritis also…

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Las 6 emociones que tendras cuando se te es diagnosticado con una enfermedad neurologica
The emotions that come along with a chronic neurological illness can be a whirlwind.

Las 6 emociones que tendras cuando se te es diagnosticado con una enfermedad neurologica

Ser diagnosticado con una enfermedad neurológica crónica puede ser vindicación después de años de incontables visitas de especialistas, pruebas e investigaciones. Sin embargo, existe todavía un tipo de período de…

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After the Diagnosis

After the diagnosis/Self harming thoughts After being diagnosed with dystonia and learning it is not a temporary problem (or if you have lived with it for years and are feeling…

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Las 6 Emociones del Diagnóstico de sus Enfermedades Neurológicas
The emotions that come along with a chronic neurological illness can be a whirlwind.

Las 6 Emociones del Diagnóstico de sus Enfermedades Neurológicas

Ser diagnosticado con una enfermedad neurológica crónica puede ser reivindicación después de años de incontables especialistas visitas, pruebas e investigaciones. Sin embargo, hay todavía un tipo de período de duelo…

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The 6 Emotions of Your Neurological Disease Diagnosis
The emotions that come along with a chronic neurological illness can be a whirlwind.

The 6 Emotions of Your Neurological Disease Diagnosis

Being diagnosed with a chronic neurological illness can be vindication after years of countless specialist visits, tests and research. Yet, there is a still a type of bereavement period that…

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